Hey there! If you don’t know me…I’m Stacey the owner of Wilshire Collections! I’m a lover of all things decorating and DIY with a shopping problem passion! I’m a child of God, a wife, mother to 2 boys, a daughter, a sister, a business owner and a friend! I am super passionate about loving my home and teaching others to love theirs too!

I’ve got 8 decorating tips for creating a happy home that may not be what you’re expecting, but might be just what you need!
If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that I can be found on social media posting pictures, blog posts and videos of the different decorating and craft projects I do. This is the CORE of my business and what it is all based around.
You can read more about how the name Wilshire came to be here. It’s been quite the journey and ride and I can honestly say that I NEVER dreamed when starting this that it would become what it is today. I’m living out God’s calling and I’m so thankful to be doing something I love each and every day!
I have truly learned so much about myself and my home over the years. I have TONS of decorating tips on things like how high to hang your curtains and how to create a cute vignette, how to know what size rug to buy, etc. You can find all of those and more in my How to decorate your home with confidence E-Book here!
However, I also have some different types of tips for you that you just might love!
Here’s the thing, we spend SO much time in our homes. We stare at the same walls day after day, sleep in the same room, eat in the same kitchen, etc…you get the idea! This is why it’s so important to make the most of what you’ve got!
Here are 8 decorating tips for creating a happy home:
Decorate like you are never leaving- I think it is so important to be focused on the present and enjoying every moment. Don’t have the attitude of “We will only be here 5 years, let’s not get too settled in.” Make your house YOURS during whatever time period it may be that you will live there. Put your stamp on it and be proud of where you are! If you aren’t wanting to do big projects and renovations, that is ok. Do the small things, like adding furniture and décor you love. Besides, most things can be taken with you when and if you do move ? Don’t always think about tomorrow, or what the next house will bring. Focus on what you have right now and OWN IT!
Make good use of space- Take a look at your home and really think about how you are using the different spaces. Use those spaces in a way that works for you and your family! For us, we had a guest bedroom downstairs that NEVER got used. Most of our family is in town, so we just don’t have a lot of overnight guests. We turned it into my craft room/office years ago, and now we have done a little switch and it is my husband’s office space. It is functional for us and OUR needs. Is there a space in your home that isn’t getting used like it should? Get creative and make it work for YOU!
Make it cozy- I have said this before, and I’ll say it again. I love a cozy house! I want to walk into someone’s house and get a warm and homey feeling. You can honestly still have all the pretty things AND still keep your spaces cozy. To me, it’s the biggest compliment when someone tells me how my house looks so cozy. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Make it so that people want to come over and sit and stay a while. Think comfortable seating, throws, lighting, and candles. All of these things can make your house feel warm and cozy. Make it so that you, your family and friends all want to settle on in and enjoy!
Focus on the positives- I am sure we all have those things about our home we wish we could change. But, I bet we all have things that we really love and bring us joy too! I bet if you stop and think about it, you have some of those spots or areas in your home. If so, make those a focal point and highlight. Decorate like crazy in those spots and make them the happy place of your home! If you only focus on all the negatives of your home, chances are you aren’t going to be real happy living there.
Take it one project, one space at a time- If you’re like me, I’ve always got something I am wanting to do around my house. A project, rearrange, decorate, hang pictures, get a new rug…you name it! Try chunking this down and doing projects space by space to help with overwhelm. Don’t go out and shop for your entire house at once. Decide which room gets top priority and start there! Once you’ve checked your to do list off, move to the next one when you are able. The last thing you want to do is have overwhelm keep you from enjoying the process of making your home your own!
Only bring in things you love- Your home might be mostly things you’ve bought, or it might be mostly things you’ve made…or it might be a combo of the two. Either way, you need to be adding things that you love because YOU love them and because they fit into your style. Just because something is popular or trending does NOT mean that it is necessarily for you! I learned this one years ago when I thought I needed to fit into a certain “mold” to be a successful blogger. But once I realized that wasn’t ME, I started only doing things to my home that I loved and guess what? I’m a successful blogger with a community of people who love me for me and my style! YOU DO YOU FRIEND!
Have a retreat space- I am a big fan of having a space in your home that feels like a retreat or just makes you instantly relaxed and comfortable. For me, this is our master bedroom. I have found over the years that I LOVE making this room as cozy as possible. At the end of a long day, I look forward to going to my room to just BE! I don’t even make my bed every day, but it doesn’t matter to me because I can crawl under those covers even easier. For you, it might be your bedroom or even a little corner chair or nook where you like to read, pray, watch TV, etc. Wherever that place for you may be, fill it with things you love and make it feel like your personal retreat!
MAKE MEMORIES- This one is it, y’all. I saved the most important one for last. This is the CORE of happiness in your home. Make memories! When I think back on good times in our house, it’s not the time I bought that new pillow (or 20) that sticks out in my mind. It’s not the mantels I’ve decorated for every season. It’s not even the updates and renovations we’ve done (even though I of course loved those). It is the thousands of memories that my husband and I have made here with our 2 boys. It’s bringing my youngest son home from the hospital here. It’s all the first day of school pics on the front porch. It’s years of laughter…lots and lots of laughter! It’s movie nights and dinners at our kitchen table. It’s Christmas mornings and long summer days. It’s the times we have had our friends and family over and laughed until we cried. It’s the moments when we have lost someone or been sad and broken, and we rally together to support each other. It’s where we are when life is hard and we just want to lay in the bed, be alone and have a good cry. It’s when our kids have total meltdowns and chaos takes over, but at the end we are hugging it out and quickly right back to a place of love and laughter. Our home does this for us! Our home creates a place where all of these things and more can take place. It is our shelter and roof over our heads and it is the place where you will spend the most time and make the most memories. So, love it. Just love it. No matter where you are!

Did you find those helpful? I hope so! I always say that you have to do what brings you joy when it comes to decorating and I believe that to my core! Are there “rules” to decorating and things you can do to take your decorating up a notch? ABSOLUTELY!! And those things are important too!
I actually have an entire ebook dedicated to that as well. This will be your GO TO GUIDE for all those finishing touches in your home. So, if you’ve ever wondered things like how high to hang your wall decor? How to know what size rug to buy? How to style shelves and decor? And so much more…this book is for you! Learn how to decorate your home with confidence and find joy in the process! Click the button below to read more about it and get your copy!

I hope you will create memories in your home that last a lifetime and I hope you will always do what brings you JOY when it comes to decorating your home! You’ve got this friend!
Until next time…
Yes! What worked 15 years ago doesn’t work now. I need to make my spaces make sense.
The home holds lots of memories. Most recently was Christmas Eve day when 25 members of my family were here. They told me they never thought they could use the living room when they were younger. This is while most of them were hanging out there while the littles (great-great nieces) were chasing each other around the room. And you know what? Nothing was broken or damaged! This will always be a beautiful memory.
I LOVE this more than I could every convey! Thanks so much for sharing. ❤️
This is so beautifully said. Thank yo for posting! Have a wonderful rest of your week. Lela from Colorado. Loved when you visited our state. God bless you and family.
Hi Stacy. I just read this and WOW! I feel like you just cleansed my soul, my home and my spirit ❤️ Your words just touched my heart in such a special way. Every word you have said is soooo true!!! Thank you and be Blessed honey ??
I absolutely loved what you had to say it was very helpful thank you Stacey can’t wait to get the ebook very excited.
Loved all your tips!!!
Stacey that was beautiful. And very helpful. I have been doing a good bit of renovation to my home. And pretty much of it by myself. I live alone with the most loyal dog that I’ve ever had. And my grandchildren gave me a cat that they really couldn’t keep at their home. So, Mimi gets the cat. ( I never liked cats). Well we’re getting use to one another. Anyway I have everyone always trying to tell me how I should do my projects. It took me awhile. But I have learned to do me!!! What makes me happy. And yes my home is getting so cozy!! Thank you Stacey for doing you
WIOW Stacy! This is just what I needed to hear. I feel like my home, my soul and heart just needed to read this. All your new decor and colors are so beautiful. You out did yourself again ❤️ Love you honey and everything you are all about ?
Luv you Stacey. I’m still in your group. .. keep it up !! ❤️❤️
I love the idea of make it cozy but I feel like its cluttered when I try to do that. Also I really dont have a style. How do I figure that out. Im just eclectic I guess.
I go over all of that in my brand new Ebook! You can do it and eclectic is A-OK!
Loved your 8 tips! You can honestly tell all this comes from your heart. Really don’t want to wait until the morning for your e-book, but I guess we have too.
Don’t really know your personally but still feel like I can say “I love you” and you bring joy into my life.
you’re the sweetest!!!
You couldn’t have been more correct than this advice! I am redoing my Family Room one piece at a time! When done with this room, it will be perfect FOR ME! Thank you for your reinforcement! You are the best!!
Hi Stacey-such helpful tips but I love the last one the most!!❤️
You’re so right! Your home is the place where memories are made and remembered!
Thanks for sharing your insight!