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Christmas coffee bar decorating ideas

Christmas coffee bar decorating ideas

If you've got a coffee bar, or really just any type of cute area in your kitchen that you can style for the holidays...this is for you! These Christmas coffee bar decorating ideas are full of traditional colors and lots of holiday cheer, perfect for any home! Our...

Simple patriotic decor ideas for your home

Simple patriotic decor ideas for your home

I always think it's fun to add in some patriotic touches to my decor in the Summer months! But, the truth is...I don't like to go crazy with it and I like to keep it pretty simple! These simple patriotic decor ideas for your home won't break the bank, yet they will...

2 easy DIY patriotic signs

2 easy DIY patriotic signs

I love decorating with some red, white and blue this time of year! How about you?! And I really love when I can incorporate some things that I make into my decor! These 2 easy DIY patriotic signs are sure to make your home extra festive! Plus, printables make crafting...