Do you sew? Nope, me either! haha! I can barely sew on a button, so it’s a good thing I didn’t have to know how for this project! I’ve seen similar things done on Pinterest, but I had never tried it myself. But…
I love this DIY no sew pillow using a canvas Christmas bag from Walmart! It was literally so easy and it turned out adorable!
Here’s the funny part of the story. I was at the BEACH for fall break in October when I headed to Walmart for some groceries with family. I rounded the corner and this is what I saw…
Well, in true Stacey fashion I pushed my little buggy over there as fast as I could to grab a few. My family thought it was hysterical, but I knew it was smart! hehe! Last year these babies sold out FAST!
Flash forward to when I decided I was going to make this cutie into a DIY no sew pillow! And on FB live nonetheless. You can see the entire FB live here!

All I did was take the string out of the top of the bag and then folded it down until I got it the size that I thought I would want my pillow (because this bag was tall and that would have been an odd shape)
Next I took this big bag of poly fil and just started to stuff the “bag” as I chatted on the live. When I got closer to the top I simply used my hot glue gun (YES I SAID HOT GLUE) and simply started gluing down the fold and pinching it together where it would stay in place.
I left just enough space in the corner to where I could get the last of my poly fil in and once it seemed full enough I closed it up the rest of the way with hot glue.
There you have it! An easy DIY no sew pillow that now makes for some adorable Christmas décor!
I will say, you could also use a pillow insert that you can buy or even a cheap pillow that you take a part and use the stuffing from it. You do NOT have to use the poly fil for this…that’s just what I had on hand!
Let me know if you think you will make this project this year?! I sure hope so!
Until next time…
~ Stacey
This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.