4 easy steps for a quick front porch Summer makeover!

My front porch looked like a sad situation this winter, and as we rolled into Spring I knew something had to be done! It quickly turned to Summer like temps here and school is almost out….SO, I’m now calling this my Summer front porch makeover!

4 easy steps for a summer front porch makeover

I didn’t break the bank, and I didn’t even do a lot. Just 4 little changes that made a BIG difference in the front porch of my home!

Summer 4 easy steps to a quick Summer front porch makeover

Here is all you need for a quick makeover:

  1. New Rug(s)- I went for the layered look, which I’m LOVING right now. But, you could easily do just one on your front porch. A quick switch of a rug can make a huge difference in the look of your entry though! I was obsessed with the Ikat rug, and kind of did my color scheme based around it. You can find both of my rugs from Target. The Ikat rug is here and the Home Sweet Home rug is here.
  2. Cute cushions- If you have any chairs out front, be sure and have some fun cushions that scream Spring or Summer! Don’t be scared to add some color to the front of your home this time of year! My cushions came from Target and can be found here.
  3. A Summer Wreath- I love anything with some bright and fun florals this time of year! I got mine at Hobby Lobby back at the beginning of Spring. I love the mix of the light yellow with all the blues of the rugs and cushions.
  4. Fresh flowers- A couple cute pots and some fresh flowers and that just says “I’m ready for ya, Summer!” Hopefully I can remember to water mine and keep them alive. Haha!

See how easy that is! Depending on your porch, you could obviously do a lot more than this. My front porch is pretty small number one, but also I didn’t want to go too crazy and spend a ton of money on this project.

The most important thing is to make sure you do SOMETHING to give your front porch a little character. Even if you just pick one or two of the things list above, it will make a big difference!


What are you doing on your front porch this Summer?! What color scheme are you going with?!


Until next time…

~ Stacey

Layering rugs is SO easy and SO cute!

Layering your front porch rugs for summer

Ikat Rug from Target

Summer Ikat Outdoor Rug from Target

Home Sweet Home Rug from Target

Home Sweet Home Rug From Target

Outdoor Chair Cushions from Target

Outdoor Chair Cushions from Target easy front porch makeover



  1. Nicole

    Love the flower pot and stand too! Where are they from?

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks!! The stands came from At Home Stores and the pots are olive buckets that I’ve had for a few years from a local shop.