Need a new sign for your house? But need it on a budget? I’ve got you girl!
I’m going to show you how to make a DIY sign using a printable! And if you ask me…it looks like it came straight off the shelves of a store!

Printables are PDF files that I design and you can use for decorating and crafting! There are tons of ways to use them, but mod podge is usually involved in these projects!
Here is what I used for this DIY Sign: An 8×10 canvas, an 8×10 thin piece of wood from Hobby Lobby, 4 paint sticks, mod podge and waverly wax for the stain! And of course this ADORABLE printable! (But you could use any full size printable for this)

First I mod podged my printable onto the wood. You probably could have mod podged it straight onto the canvas, but I prefer it on wood to give it a more “official sign” feel.

Next, I used my E6000 (for a more permanent hold) as well as some hot glue (for a quick hold) and glued that piece of wood right on top the canvas. This gave me that “chunky” sign look I was going for with this.

Next, I laid my paint sticks around the sides and made marks with pencils on where I needed to cut them to make them fit snug all around. I cut mine with scissors!

I used the Waverly Antique wax to get a stained look on my paint sticks, but you could also use watered down brown paint (or any real stain).

Once those were done, the next step in my DIY sign was to attach them around the sides. I used E6000 and hot glue for this as well.

Last but not least, I put a final coat of mod podge on top of the printable to seal it up.

Y’all!! HOW CUTE IS THIS??! It was a DIY sign for the win in my books! I love how it turned out!

Do you think you will try and make one of these?! You totally should! I also want to add that my friend Danielle at Imperfect Dust did the hand lettering for this printable! I loved this quote because with the kind of year 2020 has been, I am welcoming Christmas and all that it means and stands for with open arms! The thrill of hope Christmas brings…and the weary world rejoices!
Until next time…
You are so so right ! This is a weary world this year and I pray that others will accept the TRUE HOPE that came at Christmas so many years ago !
Blessings to you !