You may have already discovered by now just how FUN and addicting printable crafting can be! It’s truly the best way to make cute items for your home, on a budget AND in an easy and fun way! And I’ve got even better news today!
I’m going to show you how to repurpose printable crafts for the seasons! This will stretch your crafting even farther AND it will save on storage space for all the things!

Be sure you read about printable crafting here first if you aren’t familiar with it, this post has tons of info!
Here is a perfect example of repurposing one little sign into MULTIPLE printable crafts!
I had grabbed a sign like this from the Dollar Tree and I originally made a printable sign for my coffee bar that you can see here.

When Spring rolled around, I flipped the sign over and used the back for one of my welcome spring printables! Smart, right?! WELL….let’s take it another step and use a cute lemon printable now!

I literally just printed this bundle on cardstock, cut this one and out mod podge RIGHT OVER my spring one!
Now, don’t worry…because you can print the printables as many times as you like once you have them, so you could always print out another Spring one next season if you wanted to do the same one again! AND…after summer I could switch this out yet again for the next season!

It was so quick and easy to do this and I decided I wanted to take one more little sign I had on hand (this one came in the Decor at your door box this spring) and use a printable on it too. For this one, I just flipped it over so I could use the back side.

A little yellow paint was perfect for the border, then I mod podged my lemon printable to the center. So cute and easy! AND…when Summer is over, I could easily put another printable on top of this to keep repurposing!

The possibilities are truly ENDLESS when it comes to printable crafting! And when you repurpose printable crafts for the seasons it makes it even more fun. How cute did these turn out?! Love them on my kitchen tray!

Until next time…
Stacey, how do I get the mug on your tiered tray. It says “Hello there Sunshine”.
You can get it at thanks!!