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Simple patriotic decor ideas for your home

Simple patriotic decor ideas for your home

I always think it's fun to add in some patriotic touches to my decor in the Summer months! But, the truth is...I don't like to go crazy with it and I like to keep it pretty simple! These simple patriotic decor ideas for your home won't break the bank, yet they will...

2 easy DIY patriotic signs

2 easy DIY patriotic signs

I love decorating with some red, white and blue this time of year! How about you?! And I really love when I can incorporate some things that I make into my decor! These 2 easy DIY patriotic signs are sure to make your home extra festive! Plus, printables make crafting...

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Graby your copy of my eBook: How to Decorate Your Home With Confidence.

Sitting area idea